August 14, 2024 - 5:30pm

→ Elon Musk’s Grok-2 rolls out uncensored AI images

Elon Musk’s take on AI-generated pictures looks a bit different from its competitors. While Google’s Gemini AI struggled to create images of white people, resulting in gaffes such as black Nazi officers, Grok, the AI service built into X, is decidedly not PC.

It has no problem generating racially accurate images of the American founding fathers, something Google famously struggled with. With a bit of nudging, Grok will even produce images of the Prophet Muhammad (the service initially declined to do so before eventually giving in), and it will change his race upon request.

Other hits include Netanyahu in a Palestinian flag bikini and non-white criminals, the latter being impossible with Gemini due to PC constraints. Use Grok for good and not evil!

→ It’s that time of year again: brace for the Youth Parliament

A deeply strange video did the rounds today on X. It showed children in the chamber of Westminster making impassioned speeches in the place of MPs. By recent parliamentary standards, it was hardly a serious dip from the usual poor quality. However, and one hates to say it, the kids aren’t all right.

It seems the kids have picked up the sectarianism of the adults. One boy said: ‘I want to speak on a motion that I believe affects us the most, and yet we don’t know about it: the issue of Kashmir’. Another boy opened with ‘Salam Alaikum’ and said he was proud to be Muslim and proud to be Pakistani. He was met with rapturous applause. Not a peep about being British.

It is all about theater, and not at all about debating serious issues carefully or thinking about how politics can solve problems in people’s lives. A funny anon comment put it so: ‘Anyone who’s really into politics before the age of 25 and does stuff like this (UN, I’m looking at you) should be banned from politics for a decade or two.’ So should the adults who allowed it.

→ Ukraine may be to blame for Nord Stream attacks after all

Those conspiracy theories about Ukraine blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline appear to have actually been true. Germany is seeking an arrest warrant for a Ukrainian diver now accused of working on the plot, according to DW News.

‘Experts’ previously insisted that Russia was the most likely culprit for destroying their own crucial pipeline. Security analyst Fiona Hill, meanwhile, told UnHerd in early 2023 that Ukraine may be to blame, rather than the US or Russia, prompting swift and fierce blowback from proponents of the mainstream narrative. You heard it here first…