June 6, 2024 - 11:50am

Only 16% of Britons would fight in a war to defend France, according to new UnHerd polling.

The survey, conducted by FocalData, polled 1,012 UK voters about foreign policy and defence, asking them which nations they would be willing to defend in an armed conflict. As Second World War veterans travel to Normandy to mark today’s 80th anniversary of D-Day, the UnHerd findings reveal that Anglo-French fraternity is in short supply.

Among respondents, 70% said they would not want to fight “to defend France from an invasion”, with 14% answering “don’t know” or “prefer not to say”. The 18-24 age bracket, for all the mirth surrounding Rishi Sunak’s proposal for national service late last month, was actually the most enthusiastic about defending the Fifth Republic, with 24% saying they’d fight for France. In contrast, the oldest age groups of 55-64 and 65+ were less keen, with 15% and 16% respectively stating that they would enlist (if allowed).

Would you want to fight in the British Army in each of the following circumstances?
Percentage of UK voters

These attitudes were reversed when respondents were asked about fighting for Britain. Within the 18-24 bracket, 29% said they’d defend the country from an invasion, compared to 38% among those aged over 65. The overall proportion of Britons who’d join up was 30%.

When the results were adjusted for sex, 22% of British men said they’d fight to defend France, with a corresponding figure for women of 9%. There were regional disparities, too: while 22% of voters in the East Midlands would come to Emmanuel Macron’s aid, only 10% of residents in the South West of England would do the same. Even in Scotland, whose Auld Alliance with France endured for centuries, just 15% would join up for the cause.

Notably, individual politics did not have a significant impact on responses. Among those who intend to vote Conservative in next month’s election, 18% would defend France from invasion, with 14% of Labour supporters agreeing. Even the Brexit divide means little here: 17% of Remain voters would fight on France’s behalf, compared to 16% of Leave voters. When the same respondents were asked whether they would take up arms to defend Britain, the difference between the groups was 11 percentage points, with 38% of Leave supporters and 27% of Remainers saying “yes”.

The finding reflects a broader attitude among the British population, of whom 44% think that the country should be less involved in foreign conflicts. Just 7% think Britain should be more involved in overseas wars.

As the election campaign progresses, UnHerd Britain will be investigating other questions of public opinion missing from the campaign. See full results of today's poll HERE.